OTAWA is mainly a framework providing facilities to handle programs in machine code and computing WCET (Worst Case Execution Time). Real-time systems are often split in tasks that, in order the system to operate in a safe way, needs to execute before deadlines. To check this deadlines, an important component is the WCET, that is, the maximum execution of a program whatever the considered inputs. To compute WCET in static and sound approach, one has to consider the running hardware and the executed program. OTAWA contributions is two-folds: (a) a set of tool to compute WCET for some hardware platforms and (b) a framework to develop new analyses for new hardware or for experimental purposes.
OTAWA provides a set of command line applications:
to compute WCET from a script describing an hardware,oRange
to compute loop bounds on C code,mkff
to generate flow fact file ready to be filled by the user from binary code,dumpcfg
to output CFG (Control Flow Graph) of tasks,odfa
to experiment DFA (data flow analyses) on binary code,opcg
to dump call graph for a task,odisasm
to get a view of the program as understood by OTAWA.
In addition, OTAWA supports the following instruction sets:
- ARM v5,
- ARM v7,
- PowerPC (including VLE mode),
- Sparc,
- TriCore,
- Risc-V
OTAWA provides an extensive support for IPET (Implicit Path Enumeration Technique) for computing WCET but different approaches may be implemented. IPET requires an ILP (Integer Linear Programming) solver:
- lp_solve v5
- CPlex
The framework provides a layer independent of the assembly code with several program representations:
- CFG (Control Flow Graph),
- PCG (Program Call Graph),
- loop identification,
- semantic instruction,
- context trees,
- AST (Abstract Syntactic Tree from Heptane tool).
In the framework, the following are available:
- loop analysis,
- loop analysis with support of irregular loops,
- dominance and post-dominance analysis,
- stack analysis,
- CLP (Circular Linear Analysis),
- indirect branch analysis,
- infeasible path analysis.
To run new static analyses, OTAWA provides different engines:
- Iterative DFA (Data Flow Analysis) engine,
- Abstract Interpretation engines.
To support the different hardware pieces, the following analyses are available:
- extensible basic block time computation based on execution graphs,
- several instruction powerful cache analyses based on categories approaches,
- basic and extended data cache analyses,
- several approaches to support branch prediction.
Through the use of different plugin, OTAWA provides full or partial support for the following hardware:
- LPC2138 (ARM)
- Cortex A8 (ARM)
- MPC5554 (PowerPC)
- Leon 2 and 3 (Sparc)
- Cortex M4 (ARM, to come)
- TriCore Aurix (TriCore)