Elm  2
ELM is a library providing generic data structures, OS-independent interface, plugins and XML.

The ELM V2.0 uses the "concept" idea to unify the interfaces of its containers. A concept is like the definition of an interface or a signature that must be implemented by a class. "concept" ferature is not yet defined in the C++ standard but, as soon as they will be available in most C++ compiler / standards, they will be used in the declaration of ELM container classes. In the meantime, the concepts provide a scheme to implement container and each container provides, in its documentation, the list of implemented concepts. More...


class  Iter< T >
class  MutableIter< T >
class  Collection< T >
class  MutableCollection< T >
class  Set< T >
class  Array< T >
class  MutableArray< T >
class  ExpandableArray< T >
class  Stack< T >
class  Queue< T >
class  Hash< T >
class  Comparator< T >
class  Equiv< T >
class  PartialComparator< T >
class  Map< K, T >
class  MutableMap< K, T >
class  List< T >
class  MutableList< T >
class  BiDiList< T >

Detailed Description

The ELM V2.0 uses the "concept" idea to unify the interfaces of its containers. A concept is like the definition of an interface or a signature that must be implemented by a class. "concept" ferature is not yet defined in the C++ standard but, as soon as they will be available in most C++ compiler / standards, they will be used in the declaration of ELM container classes. In the meantime, the concepts provide a scheme to implement container and each container provides, in its documentation, the list of implemented concepts.

Collection Concepts
Value Concepts
Other Concepts
  • elm::concept::Graph