Elm  2
ELM is a library providing generic data structures, OS-independent interface, plugins and XML.
DTD Support

DTD is a format to describe the structure of XML files. This module not only supports the description of XML but provides also a parser based on this description. More...


class  Exception
class  Parser
class  Factory
class  AbstractAttribute
class  Content
class  Optional
class  Alt
class  Seq
class  Repeat
class  PCDATA
class  IDAttribute
class  RefAttribute< T >
class  Attribute< T >


Contentoperator* (Content &c)
Contentoperator! (Content &c)
Contentoperator+ (Content &c1, Content &c2)
Contentoperator| (Content &c1, Content &c2)
Contentoperator, (Content &c1, Content &c2)
Contentoperator& (Content &c1, Content &c2)


ContentEMPTY = _empty
Contentignored = _ignored
ContentPCDATA = pcdata
ContentANY = any
const t::uint32 STRICT = AbstractAttribute::STRICT
const t::uint32 REQUIRED = AbstractAttribute::REQUIRED
const t::uint32 FORWARD = AbstractAttribute::FORWARD
const t::uint32 CROP = Parser::CROP

Detailed Description

DTD is a format to describe the structure of XML files. This module not only supports the description of XML but provides also a parser based on this description.

Basically, the DTD is made of two types of descriptions:

The content of the elements may be made of simple text or other elements. This content can be described like regular expressions, that is as sequences, alternative, repetitions or optional elements.


Let the DTD below:

<!ELEMENT training (name,session*)>
<!ATTLIST training
start CDATA
end CDATA>
<!ELEMENT session (EMPTY)>

The equivalent with the DTD module is:

#include <elm/xom/dtd.h>
using namespace dtd;
Element name("name", PCDATA);
Element session("session", EMPTY);
date<CDATA>(session, "start", "", REQUIRED);
Element training("name", (name, *session));
id<CDATA>(session, "start", "", REQUIRED),
start<CDATA>(session, "start"),
end<CDATA>(session, "end");

Then to parse XOM document, one has only to write:

xom::Document *doc = ...;
try {
MyFactory factory;
training.parse(factory, doc);
catch(dtd::Exception& e) {
cerr << "ERROR: " << e.message() << io::endl;

This last example shows the use of another structure named a Factory. A factory is an interface by the user of dtd module to react to the element found in the XML document and to let the application to build a data structure corresponding to the parsed document.

Continuing the example, the factory could be:

class TrainingFactory: public dtd::Factory {
void begin(dtd::Element& e) {
if(e == training)
training = new Training(*id, *start, *end);
else if(e == name)
else if(e == session) {
cur = new Session(*date);
void getPCDATA(dtd::Element& e, xom::String s) {
if(e == name)
Training *training;

As shown in the example above, the function begin() called each time an element is found. Thanks to the element parameter, the corresponding action can be undertaken: build a Training object, recording the name or build a session object.

One can also observe that attributes and PCDATA records the actual value they get at the begin() function call time and this value can be accessed using the "*" operator.


Base classes encompass:

dtd module provides also support for identifiers and references with the classes:

To support identifiers, the factory must be able to return a pointer to an object that supports an identifier (function Factory::getRef()). In turn, a reference attribute will store this object pointer when the referenced identifier is resolved.

otawa::dtd::RefAtt<T> supports also forward references (when the flag FORWARD is set). In this case, if the reference cannot be resolved, it will store a memo with an application object to patch obtained by a call to Factory::getPatchRef(). Then when the identifier will be resolved, the parser will automatically call Factory::patch() for each forward reference with the patch object as parameter to let the application to perform the fix.

The content of an element may be made of:

A simpler way to use Seq, Alt and Repeat contents is to use the corresponding operators:

Function Documentation

◆ operator!()

Content & operator! ( Content c)

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Build an optional content.

cOptional content.

References elm::dtd::_gc, and GC::add().

◆ operator&()

Content & operator& ( Content c1,
Content c2 

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Build a sequence content.

c1First content in the sequence.
c2Second content in the sequence.

References elm::dtd::_gc, and GC::add().

◆ operator*()

Content & operator* ( Content c)

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Build a repeated content.

cRepeated content.

References elm::dtd::_gc, and GC::add().

◆ operator+()

Content & operator+ ( Content c1,
Content c2 

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Build an alternate content.

c1First alternative.
c2Second alternative.

References elm::dtd::_gc, and GC::add().

◆ operator,()

Content & operator, ( Content c1,
Content c2 

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Build a sequence content.

This operator has the smallest precedence level and it can be confused with the comma separating argument of a function call.
c1First content in the sequence.
c2Second content in the sequence.

References elm::dtd::_gc, and GC::add().

◆ operator|()

Content & operator| ( Content c1,
Content c2 

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Build an alternate content.

c1First alternative.
c2Second alternative.

References elm::dtd::_gc, and GC::add().

Variable Documentation


Content & ANY = any

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Content supporting a sequence of both text and elements.


const t::uint32 CROP = Parser::CROP

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Parser attribute indicating that the blank nodes (text made of spaces) can be ignored.

Referenced by Parser::doesCrop().


Content & EMPTY = _empty

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Content ensuring that the content of an XML element is empty.


const t::uint32 FORWARD = AbstractAttribute::FORWARD

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Attribute flag marking a reference attribute to enable support for forward references.

Referenced by AbstractAttribute::isForward().

◆ ignored

Content & ignored = _ignored

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Content ignoring what is exactly in the content: always answer the parsing succeeds.


#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Content representing a CDATA.

See also


const t::uint32 REQUIRED = AbstractAttribute::REQUIRED

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Attribute flag marking that the attribute as required its container element.

Referenced by AbstractAttribute::isRequired().


const t::uint32 STRICT = AbstractAttribute::STRICT

#include <include/elm/xom/dtd.h>

Attribute flag causing parsing failure if there is an error during the attribute parsing.

Referenced by AbstractAttribute::isStrict().

xom::String CDATA
Definition: dtd.h:324
Content & EMPTY
Definition: xom_dtd.cpp:694
const EOL endl
Definition: io_Output.cpp:880
io::Output cerr
const t::uint32 REQUIRED
Definition: dtd.h:334