OTAWA  2.0
Framework to perform machine analysis and compute WCET.
elm Namespace Reference




struct  _false
struct  _if
struct  _if< false, T, E >
struct  _n
struct  _true
class  AbstractBlockAllocatorWithGC
class  AbstractGC
struct  Add
class  AllocArray
class  AllocatorDelegate
class  Array
class  ArrayDelegate
class  ArrayList
class  AssocComparator
class  AssocEquiv
class  AssocHashKey
class  AutoCleaner
class  AutoString
class  AutoStringStartup
class  BadAlloc
class  Bag
class  BiDiList
class  BinomialQueue
class  BitVector
class  BlockAllocator
class  BlockAllocatorWithGC
class  Buffer
class  BufferException
class  builder
class  Char
struct  class_one
struct  class_zero
class  Cleaner
class  CleanList
class  Comparator
class  Comparator< cstring >
class  Comparator< otawa::clp::Value >
class  Comparator< otawa::Inst * >
class  Comparator< otawa::oslice::InterestedInstruction * >
class  Comparator< Pair< K, T > >
class  Comparator< string >
class  ComparatorDelegate
class  CompareEquiv
class  CompareManager
class  ConstPreIter
class  CrashHandler
class  CrashMonitor
class  CString
class  Default
struct  default_t
class  DefaultAllocator
class  DefaultAllocatorDelegate
class  DefaultField
class  Deletor
class  DynamicComparator
struct  enum_info
struct  enum_t
class  EqualsEquiv
class  Equiv
class  EquivDelegate
class  EquivManager
class  ErrorBase
class  ErrorHandler
class  Exception
class  Field
class  Flags
class  Formatter
class  FragTable
class  GCManager
class  GDBCrashHandler
class  GlobalComparator
class  GroupedGC
class  HashDelegate
class  Hasher
class  HashKey
class  HashKey< const T * >
class  HashKey< CString >
class  HashKey< inode_t >
class  HashKey< int >
class  HashKey< otawa::Address >
class  HashKey< Pair< T1, T2 > >
class  HashKey< String >
class  HashKey< sys::Path >
class  HashKey< T * >
class  HashManager
class  HashMap
class  HashSet
class  HashTable
class  IdAdapter
class  IndexedIterator
class  Initializer
class  InplacePreIterator
class  iter
class  Iterable
class  KeyException
class  List
class  ListGC
class  ListMap
class  ListQueue
class  ListSet
class  Lock
class  LockPtr
class  MapDelegate
class  MessageException
struct  Mul
class  MutPreIter
class  NoCrashHandler
class  NoInfoHandler
class  NumIter
class  NumRange
class  Option
class  OptionalNone
class  OrderedInitializer
class  Pair
class  PairAdapter
class  PreIter
class  PreIterator
class  QuietHandler
class  Range
class  Ref
class  ref_t
class  RefPair
class  ReverseComparator
struct  scalar_one
struct  scalar_t
struct  scalar_zero
class  SelectIter
class  SelfHashKey
class  SharedPtr
struct  signed_info
class  SimpleGC
class  Slice
class  SortedList
class  StackAllocator
class  StaticComparator
class  StaticStack
class  StrictMapDelegate
class  String
class  StringBuffer
class  StringSplit
class  Temp
class  TempPtr
class  TestCase
class  TestSet
struct  ti
class  Time
class  Tree
class  TreeBag
class  TreeMap
struct  true_pred
class  type_info
struct  type_info< bool >
struct  type_info< char >
struct  type_info< const T & >
struct  type_info< const T * >
struct  type_info< cstring >
struct  type_info< double >
struct  type_info< float >
struct  type_info< long double >
struct  type_info< otawa::ilp::format_t >
struct  type_info< string >
struct  type_info< T & >
struct  type_info< T * >
struct  type_info< t::int16 >
struct  type_info< t::int32 >
struct  type_info< t::int64 >
struct  type_info< t::int8 >
struct  type_info< t::uint16 >
struct  type_info< t::uint32 >
struct  type_info< t::uint64 >
struct  type_info< t::uint8 >
struct  type_info< void >
struct  type_t
class  UniquePtr
struct  unsigned_info
class  VarArg
class  Variant
class  Vector
class  VectorQueue
class  Version
class  WAHVector


typedef CString cstring
typedef struct elm::default_t default_t
typedef DefaultAllocatorDelegate DefaultAlloc
typedef enum elm::error_level_t error_level_t
typedef elm::sys::Path Path
typedef String string
typedef elm::type_t type_t
typedef WAHVector::word_t word_t
typedef xom::String xstring


enum  error_level_t


Array< T > _array (int n, T t[])
CString _unqualify (CString name)
t::uint32 abs (t::int32 v)
t::uint64 abs (t::int64 v)
int count (const C &c, const P &p)
int countOnes (t::uint16 i)
int countOnes (t::uint32 i)
int countOnes (t::uint64 i)
void crash (void)
cstring cstr (const char *s)
void deleteAll (const C &c)
int div (int v)
elm_spy (cstring comment, T value)
bool equals (const C1 &c1, const C2 &c2)
bool exists (const C &c, const P &p)
DefaultField< T > field (CString name, const T &value, const T &def)
Field< T > field (CString name, T &value)
DefaultField< T > field (CString name, T &value, const T &def)
void fill (C &c, int n, const typename C::t v=type_info< typename C::t >::null)
word_t fill (int size, bool init)
word_t fillCount (word_t w)
C::Iter find (const C &c, const P &p)
fold (const C &c, const F &f, T t)
bool forall (const C &c, const P &p)
t::hash hash (const T &x)
t::hash hash_cstring (const char *chars)
bool hash_equals (const void *p1, const void *p2, int size)
t::hash hash_jenkins (const void *block, int size)
t::hash hash_ptr (const void *p)
t::hash hash_string (const char *chars, int length)
bool isFill (word_t w)
bool isLite (word_t w)
bool isOnes (word_t w)
bool isZeroes (word_t w)
void iter (const C &c, const F &f)
t::uint32 leastUpperPowerOf2 (t::uint32 v)
t::uint64 leastUpperPowerOf2 (t::uint64 v)
RefPair< T1, T2 > let (T1 &v1, T2 &v2)
word_t lite (word_t w)
void map (const C &c, const F &f, D &d)
word_t mask (int n)
C::t max (const C &c)
const T & max (const T &x, const T &y)
const T & max (const T &x, const T &y, const C &c=single< C >())
C::t min (const C &c)
C::t min (const C &c, const CC &cc)
const T & min (const T &x, const T &y)
const T & min (const T &x, const T &y, const C &c=single< C >())
Pair< typename C1::Iter, typename C2::Iter > mismatch (const C1 &c1, const C2 &c2)
Pair< typename C1::Iter, typename C2::Iter > mismatch (const C1 &c1, const C2 &c2, P p)
int mod (int v)
int msb (t::int32 i)
int msb (t::int64 i)
int msb (t::uint32 i)
int msb (t::uint64 i)
t::uint32 mult (t::uint32 a, t::uint32, bool &over)
t::uint64 mult (t::uint64 a, t::uint64, bool &over)
NumRange< T > nrange (T i, T j, T s=1)
T * null (void)
int ones (t::uint16 i)
int ones (t::uint32 i)
int ones (t::uint64 i)
int ones (t::uint8 i)
bool operator!= (const char *s1, const CString s2)
bool operator!= (const char *s1, const String &s2)
bool operator!= (const CString &s1, const CString &s2)
bool operator!= (const CString s1, const char *s2)
bool operator!= (const CString s1, const String &s2)
bool operator!= (const String &s1, const char *s2)
bool operator!= (const String &s1, const CString s2)
bool operator!= (const String &s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (char c, const cstring s)
String operator+ (char c, const String &s)
String operator+ (const char *s1, const CString s2)
String operator+ (const char *s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const cstring &s, char c)
String operator+ (const CString &s1, const char *s2)
String operator+ (const CString &s1, const CString &s2)
String operator+ (const CString s1, const String &s2)
String operator+ (const string &s, char c)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const char *s2)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const CString s2)
String operator+ (const String &s1, const String &s2)
bool operator< (const char *s1, const CString s2)
bool operator< (const char *s1, const String &s2)
bool operator< (const CString s1, const char *s2)
bool operator< (const CString s1, const CString s2)
bool operator< (const CString s1, const String &s2)
bool operator< (const String &s1, const char *s2)
bool operator< (const String &s1, const CString s2)
bool operator< (const String &s1, const String &s2)
AutoStringoperator<< (const String &str, const T &value)
AutoStringoperator<< (CString str, const T &value)
io::Outputoperator<< (io::Output &out, const BitVector &bvec)
io::Outputoperator<< (io::Output &out, const Pair< T1, T2 > &p)
io::Outputoperator<< (io::Output &out, const Time &t)
io::Outputoperator<< (io::Output &out, const Version &version)
io::Outputoperator<< (io::Output &out, const WAHVector &v)
Output & operator<< (Output &out, const Ref< T > &ref)
bool operator<= (const char *s1, const CString s2)
bool operator<= (const char *s1, const String &s2)
bool operator<= (const CString s1, const char *s2)
bool operator<= (const CString s1, const CString s2)
bool operator<= (const CString s1, const String &s2)
bool operator<= (const String &s1, const char *s2)
bool operator<= (const String &s1, const CString s2)
bool operator<= (const String &s1, const String &s2)
bool operator<= (const T &v, const FragTable< T, E, A > &t)
bool operator<= (const T &v, const ListMap< K, T, M > &m)
bool operator<= (const T &val, const ListSet< T, M > &set)
bool operator== (const char *s1, const CString s2)
bool operator== (const char *s1, const String &s2)
bool operator== (const CString &s1, const CString &s2)
bool operator== (const CString s1, const char *s2)
bool operator== (const CString s1, const String &s2)
bool operator== (const String &s1, const char *s2)
bool operator== (const String &s1, const CString s2)
bool operator== (const String &s1, const String &s2)
bool operator> (const char *s1, const CString s2)
bool operator> (const char *s1, const String &s2)
bool operator> (const CString s1, const char *s2)
bool operator> (const CString s1, const CString s2)
bool operator> (const CString s1, const String &s2)
bool operator> (const String &s1, const char *s2)
bool operator> (const String &s1, const CString s2)
bool operator> (const String &s1, const String &s2)
bool operator>= (const char *s1, const CString s2)
bool operator>= (const char *s1, const String &s2)
bool operator>= (const CString s1, const char *s2)
bool operator>= (const CString s1, const CString s2)
bool operator>= (const CString s1, const String &s2)
bool operator>= (const String &s1, const char *s2)
bool operator>= (const String &s1, const CString s2)
bool operator>= (const String &s1, const String &s2)
io::StringInput operator>> (const string &str, T &val)
io::StringInput operator>> (cstring str, T &val)
io::Inputoperator>> (io::Input &in, Pair< T1, T2 > &p)
Pair< T1, T2 > pair (const T1 &v1, const T2 &v2)
C::t product (const C &c)
void quicksort (A &array, const C &c=Comparator< typename A::t >())
Range< I > range (const I &begin, const I &end)
t::uint32 rounddown (t::uint32 v, t::uint32 m)
t::uint32 roundup (t::uint32 v, t::uint32 m)
Range< SelectIter< typename C::Iter, P > > select (const C &c, const P &p)
SelectIter< I, P > select_iter (const I &i, const P &p)
T & single (void)
Slice< C > slice (C &a, int fst, int cnt)
Option< T > some (const T &val)
string str (const char *s)
 STRONG_TYPE (inode_t, ino_t)
Iterable< I > subiter (const I &b, const I &e)
C::t sum (const C &c)
void swap (T &x, T &y)
const rtti::Typetemplate_of (const T &v)
const rtti::Typetemplate_of (void)
int times (int v)
void trace (CString file, int line, CString fun)
const rtti::Typetype_of (const T &v)
const rtti::Typetype_of (void)
UniquePtr< T > unique (T *p)


AutoStringStartup autostr
io::Output cerr
io::Output cerr (buf_err)
io::Input cin
io::Output cout
io::Output cout (buf_out)
io::Monitor monitor
const OptionalNone none