Writing an OTAWA Application

Basically, OTAWA is a framework providing a bunch of classes for static analysis and particularly Worst Case Execution Time Computation. Although OTAWA provides some ready-to-use utilities, more interesting is the implementation of an application filling exactly some needs or extending the OTAWA features.

To achieve this goal, the following skills are required :

  • a basic experience in C++,
  • some experience with Makefiles,
  • a solid knowledge about WCET and static analysis.

This tutorial will show how to make and compile a little application using OTAWA framework. First of all, a working version of OTAWA must be available (see Installing OTAWA).

Application Design

Once you have installed OTAWA, you can start to write your first OTAWA application. As a first example, we want to use OTAWA to apply basic IPET (Implicit Path Enumeration Technique) method on some embedded program (whose architecture is supported by OTAWA). Our program will include the following passes :

  1. select the task entry point for which to compute the WCET,
  2. compute the execution time of each basic block using a trivial approach (1 cycle / instruction),
  3. build the ILP system for the program control flow,
  4. resolve it to get the WCET.

Source Header

First, we write a simple C++ source file to perform our work. We call it myapp.cpp and it will start with the following lines:

#include <elm/io.h>
#include <otawa/otawa.h>
#include <otawa/ipet.h>
using namespace elm;
using namespace otawa;

The first inclusion <elm/io.h> imports classes to perform outputs. ELM is a general purpose library delivered with and used by OTAWA. It provides a lot of useful facilities including I/O support, generic data structures and OS abstractions.

The following inclusion <otawa/otawa.h> provides OTAWA main classes while the next one, otawa/ipet.h, is dedicated to IPET definitions. The last two lines just open the name spaces where ELM and OTAWA classes lie in.

Main Function

The main function looks like:

int main(void) {
  try {
    WorkSpace *ws = MANAGER.load("program to analyze");
  catch(elm::Exception& e) {
    cerr << "ERROR: " << e.message() << '\n';

The first step is to load the program using the static object MANAGER that stores common resources used in OTAWA. The function load is used to open the executable file. It returns a WorkSpace object, that is, a location shared by all OTAWA analyses and where the loaded binary file can be analyzed to get a WCET.

The binary file open() call is enclosed in a try { … } catch(…) clause in order to catch possible errors and exception thrown by the load function. If any error is raised, the catch just stops the application and display the error message.

Most OTAWA objects may throw exceptions when an error is encountered. Depending on the application needs, they can be immediately processed or simply ignored and let the global catch to process them.

Writing the Analysis

The easiest way to perform the IPET analysis it to call the otawa::ipet::WCETComputation code processor as below:

    cout << "the wcet is " << ipet::WCET(ws) << io::endl;

In OTAWA, a code processor is a piece of code that performs an analysis on the workspace. Usually, a workspace contains the program representation augmented with a lot of annotations produced by the code processors. For instance, the last line is used to display the final ipet::WCET annotation linked to the workspace by the ipet::WCETComputation, that is, the WCET expressed in cycles.

The code processors works on the workspace and communicates using annotations hooked to the program representation. Therefore, they are allowed to use already linked annotations, or to create their own annotations. Here, ipet::WCETComputation has computed the WCET and has linked it with the ipet::WCET annotation identifier. Yet, computing a WCET is a big task involving many different code processors like CFG (Control Flow Graph) building, ILP (Integer Linear Programming) system generation, etc.

To achieve the trick, each code processor automatically registers a list of required features and provided features (a feature is a set of annotations). Before a code processor can be run, all its required features needs to be provided in the workspace. When a feature is missing, OTAWA looks for a default code processor to provide it. The default code processor to launch to obtain a missing feature may be a processor provided in the configuration, or a processor declared as default for the feature. In any case, either a code processor is found and run (and in turn it will require some features that will trigger other code processors and so on), or the calculations stop and an error is displayed.

In our case, as only the final code processor – ipet::WCETComputation – is called, the default code processors are called in turn to satisfy its required features. To observe this chain of analyses, OTAWA can be called with the annotation Processor::VERBOSE set to true as below:

    PropList props;
    Processor::LOG_LEVEL(props) = Processor::LOG_PROC;
    cout << "the wcet is " << ipet::WCET(ws) << io::endl;

This piece of code displays all details about the performed computations and the processed code parts. Also, it demonstrates how annotations can be used to provide a configuration to the execution of a code processor. PropList is the base class of most OTAWA classes and provide facilities to hang annotations (called properties in OTAWA terminology). The source line containing the assignment to Processor::LOG_LEVEL actually creates a new annotation with identifier Processor::LOG_LEVEL and the value Processor::LOG_PROC and record it in the property list props (see Section Properties, features and code processors for more details).

To sum up, the configuration of the WCETComputation processor is based on an empty property list, props that is enriched by adding a property named Processor::LOG_LEVEL which value is Processor::LOG_PROC. Then, the property list is passed to the run function of the workspace. This function launches the analysis of the processor on the given workspace with the given configuration.

TO GO FURTHER Developing in OTAWA requires to have a good knowledge about its classes. The documentation of all classes is grouped in so-called automatic-documentation.

Compiling the Sources

To be executed, the application described in the previous sections has first to be compiled as an application. As OTAWA compilation is a bit complex to configure, it is advised to use a build system as, for instance, a Makefile as the one presented below:

OTAWA_CONFIG	= otawa-config
PLUGINS         = 
APP         	= myapp
SOURCES         = myapp.cpp
CXXFLAGS        = $(shell $(OTAWA_CONFIG) --cflags $(PLUGINS))
LDLIBS          = $(shell $(OTAWA_CONFIG) --libs $(PLUGINS) --rpath)
OBJECTS         = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
        $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(LDLIBS)

The utility otawa-config provides all details about OTAWA installation directories and compilation flags: C++ flags, libraries to link with, path to shared resources, etc. otawa-config can be found in the directory bin of the OTAWA installation directory. It is advised to add this directory to the OS PATH variable to avoid to re-type the full path.

PLUGINS are not used in this example but keeping this definition line in Makefile might be useful for latter developments. OTAWA comes with several plug-ins that can be linked with an application, just by passing their name in the variable PLUGINS. Yet, an explicit link with a plug-in is not always required: OTAWA is able to automatically retrieve and load a plug-in depending on the used features or by using textual name to refer to code processors, features or annotation identifiers.

Besides, otawa-config can be used to get the list of all available plug-ins:

$ otawa-config --list-plugins

Building the application is as simple as typing:

$ make

TO GO FURTHER OTAWA can be built using different build mechanism as CMake (cmake) .

Running the Application

Once all bug has been fixed and the make operation succeeded, you get your executable analyzer that you can launch it with the command (be sure to give a valid executable path to open() function – the executable built in the previous section can be used):

$ ./myapp

The output of the command is presented below for the file crc.elf compiled in the previous section:

RUNNING: otawa::ipet::ILPSystemGetter (1.1.0)
RUNNING: otawa::dfa::InitialStateBuilder (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::util::FlowFactLoader (1.4.0)
RUNNING: otawa::LabelSetter (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::view::Maker (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::CFGCollector (2.1.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ipet::VarAssignment (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ipet::BasicConstraintsBuilder (1.0.0)
INFO: plugged otawa::trivial (/home/casse/otawa/site/lib/otawa/otawa/trivial.so)
RUNNING: otawa::trivial::BlockTime (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ipet::BasicObjectFunctionBuilder (1.0.1)
RUNNING: otawa::Dominance (1.2.0)
RUNNING: otawa::LoopInfoBuilder (2.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ExtendedLoopBuilder (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::CFGChecker (1.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ipet::FlowFactLoader (2.0.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ipet::FlowFactConstraintBuilder (1.1.0)
RUNNING: otawa::ipet::WCETComputation (1.1.0)
the wcet is 548240

One can see that the following analyzes are performed:

  1. the ILP system for IPET is built – ipet::ILPSystemGetter,
  2. the initial functional state of the program is retrieved – dfa::InitialStateBuilder,
  3. the flow facts are loaded – util::FlowFactLoader,
  4. the binary labels are recorded on instructions – LabelSetter,
  5. for now, we just ignore the view system – view::Maker,
  6. the CFG are built from the binary – CFGCollector,
  7. variables assigned to each CFG vertex and edge – ipet::VarAssignment,
  8. the ILP flow constraints are built – BasicConstraintBuilder,
  9. the basic block execution time are computed – trivial::BlockTime,
  10. the dominance relationship is built (to find loops) – Dominance,
  11. the loops are identified – LoopInfoBuilder,
  12. a more useful representation of loops is made – ExtendedLoopBuilder,
  13. the CFG is checked to have a good shape (no split) – CFGChecker,
  14. the flow facts are transfered from binary to CFG – ipet::FlowFactLoader,
  15. the flow facts are translated into constraints in the ILP – ipet::FlowFactConstraintBuilder,
  16. and the WCET is computed – WCETComputation.

Yet, in all this work, something goes wrong: the computed WCET is -1, that is, no solution can be computed. The problem often comes from the loop contained in the tested program. OTAWA can not automatically compute the bound of the loop and, consequently, the generated system has an unbounded WCET.

To get a right result, you have to provides loop bounds in a flow fact file. Refer to flowfacts for a description of flow facts files. Actually, the flow fact files are managed by the FlowFactLoader processor. As no flow fact file was available, it gave up silently.

A few words about IPET

Implicit Path Enumeration Techniques (IPET) is one of the approaches computing WCET by static analysis. Several other methods exist but IPET has proven, by the time begin, to be the more complete and successful one. Although OTAWA is not specialized in a particular method, IPET is the most complete and supported one.

Basically, IPET consists in representing the WCET problem as the maximization of an Integer Linear Problem (ILP) whose objective function is the WCET. It is usually represented as:

$wcet = \sum_{v \in V} t_v x_v$


  • $G = <V, E>$ is the CFG with $V$ the set of basic block (BB) and $E \subseteq V \times V$ the edges,
  • $t_v$ is a constant representing the execution of basic block $V$,
  • $x_v$ is a variable of the ILP and represents the number of execution of BB $v$ in the WCET path.

The WCET is obtained by maximizing the execution time of an execution path in the CFG but this requires to constraint the variables $x_v$ according to control flow constraints of the CFG. This means that the CFG is executed once ($e \in V$ is the entry edge):

$x_e = 1$

And that the $x_v$ matches the flow constraint of the CFG:

$\forall v \in V, x_v = \sum_{w \in PRED_v} x_{w \to v} = \sum_{w \in SUCC_v} x_{v \to w}$

Where $x_{v \to w}$ is an ILP representing the number of traversal of an edge from $v$ to $w$, $PRED_v$ the set of predecessors of $v$ and $SUCC_v$ the set of successors of $v$. To sum up, a BB is executed as many times it is entered and left on the execution path.

As a CFG can contain loops, one has also to bound the number of execution of each loop headed by a vertex $h \in V$:

$\sum_{v \to h \in BACK_h} x_{v \to h} \le N \times \sum_{v \to h \in ENTRY_h} x_{v \to h} $

Where $N$ is the loop bound (maximum number of iterations per loop start), $BACK_h$ is the set of back-edges (forming the loop) and $ENTRY_h$ is the set of edges entering in the loop. To sump up, this constraints means that the back edges are taken at most $N$ times each time the loop is entered.

This IPET formulation is very basic. Depending on the complexity of the micro-architecture and of the hardware, a BB may experiment several execution times, meaning more variables, that has to be bound according to the occurrences of the events caused by the program behaviour and the hardware.

TO GO FURTHER A lot of literature exists about IPET but the original idea was published by Y.-T. Li and S. Malik, Performance analysis of embedded software using implicit path enumeration.

Specializing the Computation

OTAWA code processors chain themselves using on the so-called features. A feature simply asserts that a set of properties are available in the current workspace. To this end, each code processor declares its list of required and provided features. Shortly, required features are computed before the code processor is launched and provided features are made available once that the code processor has been executed.

If a required feature is not present, a default code processor is invoked to compute missing information. Often, the default code processor is very simple and its results are very approximative but conservative overestimations of the WCET. This work is well illustrated by our application where the WCET is only computed with all default code processors of features. Yet, notice that several features provide a fully functional processor (CFGBuilder, CFGConstraintBuilder).

Now, we want exploit this behaviour to specialize the performed analysis, that is, to provide an alternate code processor for a particular feature. In this example, we aims to replace the trivial BB time computation by a new one. The targeted feature is otawa::ipet::BB_TIME_FEATURE that store the time of each BB using the property identifier otawa::ipet::TIME. So, we have to write an OTAWA analysis that works at BB level and that provides the BB time feature: this analysis is outlined in the following.

#include <otawa/proc/BBProcessor.h>
class MyTime: public BBProcessor {
	static p::declare reg;
	MyTime(): BBProcessor(reg) { }
	void processBB(WorkSpace *ws, CFG *cfg, Block *b) override { ... }
p::declare MyTime::reg = p::init("MyTime", Version(1, 0, 0))

This code declares a new code processor named MyTime and that is registered in OTAWA code processor database using the static variable MyTime::reg. MyTime::reg record the name and the version of the code processor and working information: implementation class – MyType, parent code processor – BBProcessor and provided features – ipet::BB_TIME_FEATURE. These elements help OTAWA scheduler to run MyTime in the right conditions at the right time.

As expected, the MyTime class extends BBProcessor and the code processor registration at construction of BBProcessor. The BBProcessor is a special meta-code processor that run the function processBB() for each block of the processed task: this alleviates the programmer task that does not need to figure out the structure of the task CFGs. The content of this function is presented below:

		BasicBlock *bb = b->toBasic();
		ot::time t = 0;
		for(auto i: *bb) {
			if(i->isMul()) {
					t += 6;
					t += 4;
			else if(i->isDiv()) {
					t += 15;
					t += 12;					
			else if(i->isFloat())
				i += 5;
			else if(i->isLoad())
				i += 10;
			else if(i->isStore())
				i += 5;
				t += 1;
		ipet::TIME(bb) = t;

As the CFG of OTAWA are made of blocks of several kinds (BBs, call blocks, entry and exit blocks), the function processBB() first tests the type of block and returns immediately if b is not a BB. Otherwise, it converts b to a BB – bb (class BasicBlock). The time of the BB, in this extension, is the sum of times assigned to each instruction as described below:

  • floating-point multiplication – 6 cycles,
  • integer multiplication – 4 cycles,
  • floating-point division – 15 cycles
  • integer division – 12 cycles
  • other floating-point operation – 5 cycles
  • memory load – 10 cycles
  • memory store – 5 cycles
  • other operations – 1 cycle.

This is implemented by visiting all instructions composing the BB (simple for loop) and by summing the different times in variable c. The instructions have for class Inst and provides several functions to test the kind of the instruction (isMul() for multiplication, isFloat() for floating-point, etc). Finally, the time is stored as property – named ipet::TIME – on the BB. This property will be used by subsequent OTAWA analyses as the execution time of the BB.

To use MyTime, one has only to add it in the analysis invocation of the main program:

    PropList props;
    Processor::LOG_LEVEL(props) = Processor::LOG_PROC;
    cout << "the wcet is " << ipet::WCET(ws) << io::endl;

As the code processor MyTime is invoked before ipet::WCETComputation prevent the default ipet::BB_TIME_FEATURE analysis to be run (as the feature is already provided) and ipet::WCETComputation will use the ipet::TIME properties defined by MyTime.

Running it on the crc.elf application gets as results:

./appli crc.elf
the wcet is 61537

Customizing OTAWA is as easy as providing alternative analyses (code processors) for existing features. Replacing the default analysis by a customized one consist in running the analysis to let it provide its feature before it is required. Naturally, any programmer can provide their own feature and properties (as the standard OTAWA are declared) and either has to connect with OTAWA usual calculations, or can provide their own method to compute a WCET (possibly re-using some OTAWA features and analyses.

TO GO FURTHER The basics of connecting custom code with OTAWA standard analyses (re-using or providing features) is to have the documentation of these features. It is available in the autodocumentation in the section Available features and processors.

Fast Way

The previous sections have presented the hard way to make an OTAWA application but OTAWA implements convenient classes to simplify the work.

Writing an application is often made of burdening and a repetitive tasks like scanning the application arguments, opening the binary file and to processing each entry point passed as argument. The class otawa::Application is able to manage automatically a lot of these tasks. The example program, presented in the previous sections, becomes:

#include <otawa/ipet.h>
#include <otawa/app/Application.h>
using namespace elm;
using namespace otawa;
class MyApp: public Application {
	MyApp(): Application("MyApp", Version(1, 0, 0)) {
	void work(const string &entry, PropList &props) override {
    	cout << "the wcet is " << ipet::WCET(workspace()) << io::endl;

Notice that the main is automatically handled by the OTAWA_RUN macro and the application class automatically supports a lot of standard OTAWA options like -v (verbose mode), –log proc or -h (to display all options).

TheApplication class will open the binary passed as first parameter. Each subsequent parameter is considered as a function name for which the function work() is called to perform some analysis. If no subsequent parameter is provided, work() on the function main.

Once compiled, the obtained command is called by passing the executable file as parameter:

$ ./myapp crc.elf

TO GO FURTHER The class otawa::Application is based on the option management system of the library ELM. More details about this can be found here.


In this tutorial, we have learnt :

  • to write a little analyser using the OTAWA API,
  • how to compile this application,
  • to change the default behaviour of an analysis by straight invocation of code processors.

Although OTAWA provides working analyses, the use of the framework is more valuable if we are able to write new analyses and if we combine these analyses with the OTAWA framework. This will be presented in the next chapters.